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发布时间: 2021-10-26 12:54:42

① 用cake造句

特指一块蛋糕时是用作不可数名词的,例如,朋友给你过生日,为你买了回一块蛋糕,就说:My friend bought a piece of cake for me on my birthday。
指蛋答糕种类时是可数名词,比如你的朋去蛋糕店给你买蛋糕,走进蛋糕店他可以说:So many cakes。这时是说有如此多种蛋糕。
与此相同用法的有:fish 鱼;hair 头发;water 水,水域(指有很多水域时用作可数名词)。除了这些还有很多,我现在记得也不多了,希望你以后学习过程中多多注意这些特殊词语,日积月累则丰矣。

② 用英语单词或短语来造句

i find the bird beautiful
chemical potential化学势
In which direction does it turn?
Opium is addictive. 鸦片会让人上瘾。
misleading directions 使人误解的指示
We must make allowances for his youth. 我们必须体谅他年轻。
The lively give and take of ideas, ie willingness to make concessions or compromises 活跃的思想交流(乐於迁就或妥协
in terms of friendship 论交情
Except there is that nagging question of anonymity. 而唯一留存的就是那个老生常谈的问题,匿名性。

We have separated totally 4 ATV Isolates.

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