1. 用英语写一篇外国文学作品赏析,800字左右
最好LZ 要自己花点心思,哪怕参考现成的文章但是加上自己的理解也成,最起码要挑本自己喜欢的书?
Jane Eyre is the rare book that manages to be good by virtue of ineffable charm alone, despite not having very much going for it in terms of overall plot.
There is something more going on in Jane Eyre than mere charm, true, something authentically powerful--if, as will be see, brief. But the power of Jane Eyre has less to do with the conflict of great forces that typifies great works of literature, and more to do with the subtle irritation of a delayed resolution to its most important episode. Instead of a race between values through the people who represent those values, Jane Eyre tasks us with a race to turn its pages and find out its secrets--still a race, but a race whose victory, barring the boredom of the reader, is assured.
The word "episode" above is a clue to the larger problem. Jane Eyre is a novel built on episodes, loosely tied together by their common, likable and eponymous protagonist. Jane Eyre is an orphan in the care of her brutal relatives, who despise her e to her outspoken character combined with her low social station. They eventually foist her off on the grim boarding school of Lowood.
As a narrator, Jane is ideal: objective enough to provide us with a good account of events, outspoken enough to bump the plot along whenever it needs bumping, and virtuous enough never to frustrate our expectations. Often enough, our viewpoint is hers; only we're not quite so witty and we're without quite so apt an eye for injustice--again making Jane, in page-after-page of her revelations, a delight to read. The novel's rhetoric is also inventive, accomplishing its routine narrative tasks via devices more elaborate than are probably necessary, yet with something fresh about each.
Jane's attempt to chide herself into abandoning her interest in her brooding employer, Edward Rochester, takes the form of a contest between two mental pictures, and the inevitable attempt by Rochester to coax out Jane's feelings involves an elaborate and well-detailed ruse involving disguises and a gypsy fortuneteller. The book, and its narrator, both definitely have charm: we like Jane, we like what she says, and we want to see what she will say next.
What We Like About Jane Eyre
Where we like Jane the most is in the book's principal episode, which involves Jane working as a governess for a young charge of dark, Byronic Rochester amidst the mysteries of his dark, Byronic estate Thornfield--all revealed, of course, after many dark, Byronic outbursts of extreme sentiments that Charlotte Bronte probably enjoyed writing very much. And, Rochester is actually enjoyable: a match for Jane in terms of wit, impressive in his authority, and sympathetic in his vulnerability. He's likable enough, in fact, that once Jane begins to speculate on the possibility of becoming closer still to her employer, we realize that we like the idea of these two becoming a pair. Suddenly, the story floods with tension. We're no longer reading just because we happen to like Jane, but because we're invested in a likable outcome.
More: we're invested in a likable outcome that seems increasingly threatened by Rochester's secrets. Bronte hints at these with the facility of a mystery novelist: she knows the ideal times to drop a scream from the walls or a mysterious guest from the past into our laps. In her continued ability to strain, felicitously, at the bounds of rhetoric, she raises the novel to a level no mystery writer usually wants to attempt.
And the conclusion, when it finally hits, is worth the wait--not only raising the level of tension and rhetoric, but also the thematic level of the book as well. The Rochester episode is the story that everyone remembers from Jane Eyre, and the one part of the book that deserves to be called truly great.
But then there's the rest of the book, which isn't great; it's just there. Jane's school is infested with typhus, Jane meets her long-lost cousin, Jane is tempted to run off and become a missionary: really, how does this stack up to Thornfield? And why does it need to be there at all, other than filling in a necessary gap in time before Rochester can come storming back in on his black horse (figuratively, of course, considering certain events in the plot) and make the story interesting again?
It needs to be there, one might think, because the story isn't about Rochester and Jane; it's about Jane--which would be true. But, if the story is about Jane alone, relegating Rochester to a brief but important incident in Jane's life, then it's not a great story. With her her likable, narratorial qualities, Jane may be a great narrator, but she makes an extremely lousy dynamic character, even if she is involved in a typhus scare.
Jane is objective, outspoken, and virtuous throughout, which means she's not particularly susceptible to temptations (except those Rochester provides). That means that Rochester is crucial to the real, emotional conflict of the book--crucial to the power of the book. The rest is just Jane being Jane, which may be fun to read, but it doesn't intersect with any real threat, any real conflict of values that lends a great book its electric charge.
So what the novel has to its name is rhetorical brilliance, a good episode that doesn't take up nearly a large enough percentage of the page count, and a lot of needless distractions.
There are great books that are structurally unbalanced, even structurally deranged, Don Quixote being maybe the prime example, but even Don Quixote is unusually good about keeping its Quixote chapters strictly separate from its "filler" chapters, allowing the knight to remain his untarnished self throughout its plot, and throughout our memories.
Whereas Bronte, in taking as her narrative logic an episodic structure united by an ideal protagonist, gives her book a larger measure of consistency at the expense of diluting its overall strength. Thus Jane Eyre remains a beautiful sandcastle while it's being experienced, but not one of which much (save its brief heart) remains after the tides of time and memory crash down over its Thornfieldean parapets.
2. 英语文学赏析
The Lorelei
by Heinrich Heine
I know not whence it rises, This thought so full of woe; --- But a tale of the times departed Haunts me --- and will not go.
The air is cool, and it darkens, And calmly flows the Rhine; The mountain peaks are sparkling In the sunny evening-shine.
And yonder sits a maiden, The fairest of the fair; With gold is her garment glittering, And she combs her golden hair.
With a golden comb she combs it, And a wild song singeth she, That melts the heart with a wondrous And powerful melody.
The boatman feels his bosom With a nameless longing move; He sees not the gulfs before him, His gaze is fixed above.
Till over boat and boatman The Rhine's deep waters run; And this with her magic singing The Lore-Lei hath done !
不知道什么缘故, 我是这样的悲哀,一个古代的童话,我总是不能忘怀。
天色晚,空气清凉, 莱茵河静静地流, 落日的光辉 照耀着山头。
那最美丽的少女 坐在上边,神采焕发,金黄的首饰闪烁, 她梳理金黄的头发。
她用金黄的梳子梳,还唱着一支歌曲,这歌曲的声调, 有迷人的魅力。
我知道,最后波浪 吞没了船夫和小船;罗累莱用她的歌唱 造下了这场灾难。
德国著名的浪漫主义诗人海因里希•海涅在1824年创作了叙事诗“罗蕾莱”(德语:Die Lore-Ley),1837年德国作曲家弗里德里希•西尔歇尔(Friedrich Silcher,1789年6月27日—1860年8月26日)为这首诗歌谱曲,从而成为一首世代相传的德国民歌。海涅这首伤感的抒情诗在19世纪成为了德国民歌,它在德国是如此的脍炙人口,以至于德意志第三帝国时期,虽然海涅是犹太人,他的作品都被纳粹禁止和烧毁,但唯独这首“罗蕾莱之歌”仍被保留,只不过作者被改成了“匿名”
亨利希•海涅 (或海因里希•海涅 Heinrich Heine, 1797-1856)
德国革命民主主义诗人。1797年12月13日出生于杜塞尔多夫一个犹太商人家庭。父亲萨姆荪•海涅经营呢绒生意失败,家道中落;母亲贝蒂•海涅是一位医生的女儿,生性贤淑,富有教养,喜好文艺。在她的影响下,诗人早早地产生了对文学的兴趣,十五岁还在念中学时就写了第一首诗,可是他却不得不遵从父命走上经商的道路,十八岁时去法兰克福的一家银行当见习生,第二年又转到他叔父所罗门•海涅在汉堡开的银行里继续实习。在富有的叔父家中,海涅不仅尝到了寄人篱下的滋味(《屈辱府邸》一诗便反映他当时的经历),更饱受恋爱和失恋的痛苦折磨,因为他竟不顾门第悬殊,痴心地爱上了堂妹阿玛莉——一位他在诗里形容的“笑脸迎人,胸存诡诈”的娇小姐。1819年,因为前一年在叔父资助下兴办的哈利•海涅纺织品公司经营失败,同时在杜塞尔多夫做生意的父亲也破了产。年轻的海涅完全失去了经商的兴趣和勇气,遂接受叔父的建议进入波恩大学学习法律,准备将来做一名律师,然而从小爱好文艺的他无心研究法学,却常去听奥古斯特•威廉•施勒格尔的文学课,并经常与之来往,因而受浪漫派的影响。接下来他又到哥廷根大学和柏林大学学习。在柏林时他听过黑格尔的哲学课程,结识了浪漫派作家沙米索、富凯等,并积极参加争取犹太人解放的工作。 1825年获法学博士学位。 在1821至1830年期间,海涅曾到德国各地和波兰、英国、意大利旅行。1822年出版第一部“诗集”,次年又出版“悲剧—抒情插曲”。1827年他把早期抒情诗汇集在一起出版,题名“歌集”,引起轰动,奠定了他在文坛上的地位。这期间,他还创作了“哈尔茨山游记”等散文作品,也引起巨大反响。海涅这个时期的抒情诗和游记,大多抒写他个人的经历、感受、憧憬,感情真挚,语言优美,具有明显的浪漫 主义色彩。 1830年法国爆发七月革命,海涅深受鼓舞,决定前往巴黎。在这儿他结识了大仲马、贝朗瑞、乔治•桑、巴尔扎克、雨果等作家和李斯特、肖邦等音乐家,并与空想主义者圣西门的信徒交往,也受到这方面的影响。这时期他写了“论德国宗教和的历史”(1835)和“论浪漫派”(1836)两本著作。为了和激进派诗人内容空洞的“倾向诗”进行斗争,他写了长诗“阿塔•特罗尔,一个仲夏夜的梦”(1843)。1843年底,海涅和马克思在巴黎结识。这个时期,他的诗歌创作达到了新的高峰,他发表了“新诗集”(1844),其中包括一部分以“时代的诗”命名的政治诗,和长诗“德国,一个冬天的童话”(1844)。这些诗歌在思想内容和艺术两方面都取得很高的成就,成为1848年革命前夕时代的最强音。