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发布时间: 2024-10-21 09:07:04

⑴ 谁告诉我音乐剧《西区故事》 I'm pretty 的歌词 急 !急!急! 谢谢。。。

专辑:west side story
I feel pretty,
Oh so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright,
And I pity Any girl who isn't me tonight.
I feel charming,
Oh so charming,
It's alarming how charming I feel,
And so pretty That I hardly can believe I'm real.
See the pretty girl in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive girl be?
Such a pretty face, Such a pretty dress,
Such a pretty smile, Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
Sondheim Stephen
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved By a pretty wonderful boy!
Have you met my good friend Maria,
The craziest girl on the block?
You'll know her the minute you see her,
She's the one who is in an advanced state of shock.
She thinks she's in love. She thinks she's in Spain.
She isn't in love, She's merely insane.
It must be the heat Or some rare disease,
Or too much to eat Or maybe it's fleas.
Keep away from her, Send for Chino!
This is not the Maria we know!
Modest and pure, Polite and refined,
Wellbread and mature, And out of her mind!
I feel pretty, Oh so pretty
That the city should give me its key.
A committee
Should be organized to honor me.
I feel dizzy, I feel sunny,
I feel fizzy and funny and fine,
And so pretty, Miss America can just resign!
See the pretty girl in that mirror there: What mirror where?
Who can that attractive girl be? Which? What? Where?
Such a pretty face, Such a pretty dress, Whommm? Whommm?
Such a pretty smile, Such a pretty me! Whommm?
I feel stunning
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I'm loved By a pretty wonderful boy!

⑵ 西区故事的影片评价

《西区故事》是美国街头音乐歌舞片的经典之作,其中许多歌舞场面都是在真实的环境中展开,罗宾斯设计的舞蹈动作奔放明快,充满活力,颇具纽约芭蕾舞剧团的风格,加上导演的处理富于跳跃感与社会气息、摄影机的移动自如,结果使影片大获成功。片中许多歌曲如《玛利亚》、《晚上再见》等都随着影片的上映而流传开来(新浪网评) 。
《西区故事》是一部“罗密欧与朱丽叶”式的现代歌舞片。影片运用电影手段,将现代戏剧、现代歌舞剧和现代芭蕾舞融为一体,摒弃了传统的舞台表演模式,让演员置身于真实的生活环境,随着摄影机的运动,银幕上充溢着青春的活力,为美国的现代歌舞片闯出了一条新路(影评人王纲评) 。
导演劳勃怀斯与负责编舞的杰洛姆罗宾斯突破传统歌舞片的室内局限,将歌舞场面带上街头,而且强调大场面的群舞设计,一系列舞蹈都具有现代舞强烈、狂热、明快、奔放、充满活力而富于节奏的特点,视觉效果出色(网易评) 。
劳伦斯很出色的完成了该片的剧本创作,他成功地将戏剧主题通过一个个鲜活的艺术形象来实现和昭示。片中的人物形象一个个栩栩如生,美丽善良的玛利亚、热情正直的托尼、血气方刚的贝尔纳多,他们都给观众们留下了深刻的印象。同时该片的悲剧结局也揭示了那些挣扎在社会最底层的青年人的悲惨境遇,以此来呼吁并引起人们和整个社会的重视(新浪网评) 。
《西区故事》触及种族矛盾问题,音乐的处理颇有独到之处,充满美国式的活力,并且迎合了时代潮流与大众所好(新浪网评) 。该片的音乐突破了传统歌舞片的风格,灌注入现代年轻人热情狂放的时代特色,与舞蹈场面的结合尤其丝丝入扣;片中的多首插曲如《今夜》、《玛丽亚》等都很优美动听,而《晚上再见》则让人们领略了年轻人活力四射、粗野奔放的情绪(网易评) 。
伯恩斯坦的音乐为《西区故事》提供了一个富有想像力和创造力的灵魂。他在这部电影里的音乐创作充分显示了他深厚的专业技巧,他的音乐极富时代气息,充满活力的节奏和新颖别致的曲调完美地结合起来,生动地刻画了纽约西区街头帮派的那种咄咄逼人的气势和粗俗率真的性格特征(新浪网评) 。

⑶ 关于西区故事. west side story...

West Side Story is a musical written by Arthur Laurents (book), Leonard Bernstein (music), and Stephen Sondheim (lyrics). The musical is one of the most popular storylines based on William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Set on Manhattan's Upper West Side in the mid 1950s, the musical explores the rivalry between two teenage gangs of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The young protagonist, Anton ("Tony"), who belongs to the native Manhattan gang, falls in love with Maria, the sister of the leader of the rival Puerto Rican gang. The dark theme, sophisticated music, extended dance scenes, and focus on social problems marked a turning point in American musical theater.

West Side Story West Side Story is about two people that fall in love with each other[Maria and Tony] but they are from two different gangs [Sharks and Jets]


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