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發布時間: 2024-06-27 16:41:29

⑴ 英文電影中經典語句和翻譯(不少於30句)

-- 英語電影經典對白
Tomorrow is another day.

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,she walks into mine

It』s not the men in your life that counts,it』s the life in your men.

Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable

"Bond. James Bond."

Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you
will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless...
promise me now, and never let go of that promise.

"I\'ll be back!"

Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know
what you\'re gonna get."
Mother: It\'s my time. It\'s just my time. Oh, now, don\'t you be afraid
sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we\'re all destined to do. I
didn\'t know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could.
Jenny: Are you stupid or something?
Forrest: Momma says that stupid is as stupid does

I have to leave you now. I\'m going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in
car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive
away and leave me as I leave you.
Well, life isn\'t always what one likes, istn\'t it?

"There\'s no place like home."

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