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發布時間: 2022-03-20 07:25:41

A. 用catch one's spirit造句

Students must learn to be a man and catch the humanism『s spirit by Chinese teaching.

B. catch 過去式造句

His look caught her.
She caught her son eating candy; She was caught shoplifting.

C. catch sb doing sth造句

She was caught cheating in the exam.


D. 我明白了許多道理,用catch on 造句

catch on
1.become popular;be done or used by many people 流行;受歡迎;被很多人接受
This novel caught on well.這本小說深受歡迎.
It's a nice tune and will catch on quickly.這首曲子很好,不久就會流行開來.
If only the idea could catch on,we should be able to make quite a lot of money out of it.但願這個主意被採納,那麼我們就能從中賺一大筆錢.
2.finally understand;grasp the point of 理解;明白;領會
After two hours of trying to learn the new game,he caught on.這種游戲,他學了兩小時才明白是怎麼回事.
He didn't catch on to what you had implied.他沒有理解你話中隱含的意思.
The lady repeated her question several times but I still couldn't catch on.那位女士把她的問題重復了好幾遍,但是我還是沒聽懂.
3.fasten accidentally on;catch;grab 掛住;抓住
My coat caught on a mail and tore.我的上衣掛住了一根釘子,撕破
The girl kept catching on to her mother's hand.這個小女孩一直抓住她媽媽的手.

E. 用catch up with造句

He ran so fast that nobody could catch up with him.他跑地如此快,以抄至於沒有人能趕上他。Ann went all out to catch up with her classmates, but she failed.安盡全力在功課上趕上她的同學們,但她沒有成功。

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