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發布時間: 2021-10-26 12:54:42

① 用cake造句

特指一塊蛋糕時是用作不可數名詞的,例如,朋友給你過生日,為你買了回一塊蛋糕,就說:My friend bought a piece of cake for me on my birthday。
指蛋答糕種類時是可數名詞,比如你的朋去蛋糕店給你買蛋糕,走進蛋糕店他可以說:So many cakes。這時是說有如此多種蛋糕。
與此相同用法的有:fish 魚;hair 頭發;water 水,水域(指有很多水域時用作可數名詞)。除了這些還有很多,我現在記得也不多了,希望你以後學習過程中多多注意這些特殊詞語,日積月累則豐矣。

② 用英語單詞或短語來造句

i find the bird beautiful
chemical potential化學勢
In which direction does it turn?
Opium is addictive. 鴉片會讓人上癮。
misleading directions 使人誤解的指示
We must make allowances for his youth. 我們必須體諒他年輕。
The lively give and take of ideas, ie willingness to make concessions or compromises 活躍的思想交流(樂於遷就或妥協
in terms of friendship 論交情
Except there is that nagging question of anonymity. 而唯一留存的就是那個老生常談的問題,匿名性。

We have separated totally 4 ATV Isolates.

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