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發布時間: 2021-03-24 01:54:17


Do you suffer from (ie often have) headaches?
We suffer from too much officialdom.
Most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic jam.
I often suffer from unaccountable headaches.

② 用「suffer from」造句

Thousants of people suffered from a strange disease.數以千計的人患上了一種怪病。

③ 這幾天我頭疼的厲害。用suffer造句

I suffer from headache these days.

④ 英語知識,單詞「suffer(後面不加from)」可以這樣造句么:「I suffer suffer

不能,可以說i suffer a lot

⑤ 用一般過去時suffer from造句

suffer from

1.患(某種病); 受(某種病痛)折磨; 因(疾病)而痛或不舒服

You must have suffered from a cold. 你一定是感冒了。

2.因…而內受罰(苦, 損)容; 因...而更糟; 受...之苦

Sometimes I still suffer from these weaknesses.

⑥ 用suffer through造句

  • .

  • 至少我和抄愛麗絲不用再襲忍受克利夫蘭的寒冬了。

  • Butitlookslikewe'.

  • 但看起來我們將要共體時艱了。

  • I'.

  • 我想你們中有一些人還得忍受,巴曼編的教科書。

  • ,thenyoudotoo.

  • 如果我們所有人都得忍受無聊的會議,你憑什麼要例外呢?

  • .

  • 你本不該獨自來承受這一切。

⑦ 你經常感冒嗎用英語suffer from 造句

Do you often suffer from cold?
suffer from cold感冒

⑧ Suffer英語造句。急

He suffers from that thing

⑨ suffer造句 急!

She suffered me to come nearer.她允許我走近一些。
They suffered her to stay.他們容許她留下。
He suffered nobody to touch his flower.他不允許任何人碰他的花。
Fortunately he suffered no pain.幸好他不感到疼。
One of the patients was suffering shock.有一個病人休克了。
She suffered multiple injuries in the car accident.她在車禍中多處受傷。
Men are born to suffer.人生來就是受苦的。
We all have to suffer at some time.我們一生都不免有受苦的時候。
「As long as I am here,I won't let the child suffer,」 she said.她說道,「只要有我在,就不能讓孩子受苦。」
He died very quickly; he didn't suffer much.他死得很快,沒有經受多少痛苦。
He suffered terribly when his mother died.他母親去世時,他非常痛苦

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