發布時間: 2023-01-13 07:41:00
Ⅰ 誰能幫忙找下英語有關樂於助人的諺語或好句 如題
To assist/help others is the fountain of happiness.助人為樂乃快樂之本
助人要從日常小事做起,不因善小而不為.Help people to start from the little things,not good for small and for.
This is helpful for the happiness,find in helping others is a virtue,helping others is a sign of personality of sublimation.
The person who is in trouble,sad people,have a flower,it feels like the whole spring.As long as we gave a warm for their love,so,we will create a happy heaven for them.
只要人人獻出一點愛,世界將會變成美好的藍天.As long as everyone give a little love,the world will become a beautiful blue sky.
助人的雙手比祈禱的雙唇更神聖Helping hands to pray more sacred than lips