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⑴ 求《夜訪吸血鬼》的全部台詞

LOUIS: So you want me to tell you the story of my life... 路易:你想要我把我的故事告訴你? MALLOY: Oh yes, like I said, that's what I do. I interview people. I』m a collector of lives. F.M. radio. K.F.R.C. 馬洛依:是的,我說過,這就是我的工作。我是人生故事的收藏家。我采訪別人,然後在K.F.R.C電台播出。 LOUIS: You'll need a lot of tape for my story. 路易:我的故事需要很多的磁帶來記錄。 MALLOY: No problem. I got a bag full of tape ready. 馬洛依:沒關系,我准備了一整袋的磁帶。 LOUIS: You followed me here, didn't you? 路易:你跟蹤我到這兒,不是嗎? MALLOY: Yeah, I suppose I did. You seemed very interesting. This is where you live? 馬洛依:對,正是這樣。你看上去相當有趣。你住在這兒嗎? LOUIS: No. Just a room... 路易:不,這只是一個房間…… MALLOY: What do you say we get started? So, what do you do? 馬洛依:你說我們怎麼開始呢?你是干什麼的? LOUIS: I'm a vampire. 路易:我是個吸血鬼。 MALLOY: That』s something I haven』t heard before. Well, you mean this literally, I take it. 馬洛依:這我倒從來沒有聽說過。嗯,你說真的? LOUIS: Absolutely. I was waiting for you in that alleyway, watching you watching me. And then you began to speak. 路易:千真萬確。我在那條小巷子里等著你,看著你看見我。然後你開口說話。 MALLOY: So what a lucky break for me. 馬洛依:那我真走運。 LOUIS: Perhaps lucky for both of us. 路易:也許我倆都很走運。 MALLOY: You…said you were waiting for me? What will you do? Kill me, drink my blood or likes that? 馬洛依:你在……你說你在等著我?你要干什麼?殺了我,喝我的血或者諸如此類的事情? LOUIS: Yes. But you needn't be worry about that now. 路易:不錯。不過現在你無需擔心。 MALLOY: You believe this, don't you? That you're a vampire? 馬洛依:你為什麼相信這個,相信你是個吸血鬼? LOUIS: We can't begin this way. Let me turn on the light. 路易:我們不能這樣開始。我打算把頭頂上的燈打開。 MALLOY: But I thought vampires didn't like the light. 馬洛依:可我以為吸血鬼不喜歡燈光呢。 LOUIS: We love it. I only wanted to prepare you. 路易:我們喜歡燈光。我只想為你准備。 MALLOY: Christ! 馬洛依:上帝哪! LOUIS: Don't be frightened. I want this opportunity. 路易:別害怕。我需要這個機會。 MALLOY: How the hell did you do that? 馬洛依:你怎麼做到的? LOUIS: The same way as you do. A series of simple gestures. Only I moved too fast for you to see. I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I haven't been human for two hundred years. Please! What can I do to put you at ease? Shall we begin like David Copperfield? I am born, I grow up. Or shall we begin when I was Born to Darkness, as I call it. That's really where we should start, don't you think? 路易:和你一樣,一連串的簡單動作。只不過我動作太快你看不清。我有血有肉,但並非人類。我不是人類已經有兩百年了。請坐!我要怎麼讓你放鬆呢?我們像大衛·科波菲爾那樣開始?我出生,我長大。或者從我生於黑暗——我是這么稱呼的——開始。我們就從這兒開始,你說呢? MALLOY: You're not lying to me, are you? 馬洛依:你沒騙我,對吧? LOUIS: Why should I lie? 1791 was the year it happened. I was twenty-four, younger than you are now. But times were different then. I was a man at that age. The master of a large plantation just south of New Orleans. I had lost my wife in childbirth. She and the infant had been buried less than half a year. I would to have been joined them. I couldn't bear the pain of their loss. I longed for a release from it. I wanted to lose all. My wealth, my estate, my sanity.

⑵ 《夜訪吸血鬼》里的經典台詞,






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