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發布時間: 2023-06-10 20:19:42

1. 蝙蝠俠前傳3黑暗騎士崛起中,貝恩攻佔黑門監獄前演講的台詞。跪求!!!拜託各位了 3Q

Bane: We take Gotham from the corrupt! The rich! The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you... the people. Gotham is yours. None shall interfere. Do as you please. Start by storming Blackgate, and freeing the oppressed! Step forward those who would serve. For and army will be raised. The powerful will be ripped from their decadent nests, and cast out into the cold world that we know and enre. Courts will be convened. Spoils will be enjoyed. Blood will be shed. The police will survive, as they learn to serve true justice. This great city... it will enre. Gotham will survive! 貝恩:我們從那些腐敗的官員!那些有錢人!那些用虛構的機會來控制你們的世世代代的壓迫者的手中奪回哥譚市,將它歸還給你們......人民。哥譚市是你們的了。沒有人來干預。做你們想做的事。首先要猛攻黑門監獄,釋放受壓迫的人!想要參加的人上前一步。軍隊將就此誕生。權貴們將從他們頹廢的巢穴中被扯出來,扔到我們熟知和忍受著的冰冷的世界中。法庭會審判這些人,把財產分給大家,他們將血債血還。當認識到為真正的正義而服務的警察將會獲救。這個偉大的城市…...將會繼續存在。高譚市將會倖存!

2. 蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士印象最深的台詞是什麼

Gotham's mine!

3. 蝙蝠俠前傳3 黑暗騎士崛起台詞轉英文


Everyone can be a hero,even if it's a small thing,such as putting on a coat for a little boy,making him feel at ease,letting him know that life is still going on。


Do you have the feeling that you know your favorite people may die,but you can only lie to them。


Tell them everything will be OK,but you know it's impossible When you understand this feeling,you will look into my eyes and say,「I'm sorry」。


When you mingle with criminals,do you begin to sympathize with them


When I first stole for the sake of not being hungry,yes I lost the idea of judging good and evil。


When I wandered around,I began to feel the fear before the crime and the pleasure after I got it But I never became one of them。


《蝙蝠俠前傳3 黑暗騎士崛起》影片延續《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》的質感和風格,運用IMAX攝影機進行拍攝,劇情設定為《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士》的八年後的冬天展開,描述了布魯斯·韋恩與貝恩之間的對決。


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