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發布時間: 2023-06-02 13:24:41

1. 求鋼鐵俠1中片段的英文台詞

東尼 史塔克 Tony Stark.

億萬富翁,發明家,天才! Visionary. Genius.

愛國人士 American patriot.

他雖然身為 Even from an early age,
傳奇武器發明家史霍華的兒子 the son of legendary
weapons developer Howard Stark

但從小就搶走了父親的風采 quickly stole the spotlight
with his brilliant and unique mind.

他4歲時做出了第一個電路板 At age four,
he built his first circuit board.

6歲時就打造出自己的引擎 At age six, his first engine.

17歲時以第一名的成績畢業於 And at 17, he graated
summa cum laude from MIT.

但是當劃時代的巨人不幸殞逝後 Then, the passing of a titan.
史霍華生前的好友施奧比 Howard Stark's lifelong friend
and ally, Obadiah Stane,

直到21歲的東尼浪子回頭 until, at age 21, the prodigal son returns

擔任史氏工業的首席執行長 and is anointed the new CEO
of Stark Instries.

他手握大權 With the keys to the kingdom,

創造更新的武器及Tony ushers in a new era for his father's legacy,

更精準的衛星導航系統 creating smarter weapons,
advanced robotics, satellite targeting.

東尼 史塔克使武器工業 Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapons instry

為了自由穩定 by ensuring freedom
and protecting America

以及國家的安全與利益 and her interests around the globe.

身為軍方和史氏工業的聯絡官 As liaison to Stark Instries,

我有幸和這位真正的愛國者共事 I've had the unique privilege
of serving with a real patriot.

他是我的益友 亦是良師 He is my friend
and he is my great mentor.

先生女士們,我很榮幸 Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor

將今年的最高榮譽獎頒給 to present this year's Apogee Award to Mr. Tony Stark.
東尼 史塔克


2. 誰知道電影《鋼鐵俠1》中台詞:很多詞可以形容我,懷舊可不在裡面。這句話的英語原文

-Tony: Pepper, I've been called many things. Nostalgic is not one of them.
我有很多習慣,但懷舊不是其中之一。 原文對白內 翻譯自己斟容酌

3. 鋼鐵俠1台詞


Are you busy?

你得替我去我辦公室 入侵主機

I need you to go to my office and hack into the mainframe

You're gonna retrieve all the recent shipping manifests

這是解鎖晶元 進入主機得靠它
This is a lock chip, this will get you in

可能在行政文件里 沒有的話...
It's probably under Executive Files, if not...

他們可能放進了隱藏盤里 那你就得...
they put it on a ghost drive, in which case you need to look

for the lowest numeric heading

And what do you plan to do with this information

你准備要干什麼? - 跟上回一樣
if I bring it back here? - Same drill

公司有黑幕交易 我得阻止他們
They've been dealing under the table, I'm gonna stop them

I'm gonna find my weapons and destroy them


you know that I would help you with anything

但你要又想那麼做 我幫不了你了
but I can not help you if you're gonna start all of this again

沒什麼別的要你做的了 沒有什麼藝術館開幕
There is nothing except this. There's no art openings

什麼獲益 什麼合約
there's no benefit, there's nothing to sign

就只有這個任務 只是這樣
There's the next mission, and nothing else

Is that so?

好吧 那我不幹了
Well, then I quit

You stood by my side all these years

while I reaped the benefits of destruction

And now that I'm trying to protect the people

那些深受我害的人 你卻想離開我?
that I've put in harm's way, your going to walk out?

你會為此送命的 Tony 我不想成為幫凶
You're gonna kill yourself, Tony. I'm not gonna be a part of it

我本來就不該活著... 除非有什麼特別原因
I shouldn't be alive... unless it was for a reason

I'm not crazy, Pepper

I just finally know what I have to do

And I know in my heart that it's right

知道嗎 我也只有你了
You're all I have too, you know

4. 漫威電影里托尼這句I'm iron man台詞說了多少次,分別在哪部影片里,謝了大神

《鋼鐵俠1》影片最後托尼在開記者發布會上說的 「the turth is....i'm Ironman」
《鋼鐵俠2》中開頭也有版說過 不過是放的鋼1的重權復片段
《復聯4》里 最後托尼利用納米手套搶過無限寶石,最後打的那個響指,也說了一句 i'm Ironman 算是對漫威10年還有對鋼鐵俠的致敬


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