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發布時間: 2023-05-25 07:40:00

⑴ 誰有守望先鋒CG《榮耀》的英文台詞

女孩布里吉塔:I thought we talked about this.
You don』t have to do this anymore.
Winston』s message wasn』t meant for you.
This isn』t your fight.
Papa told me, after so many years of service,
you gave Overwatch everything.
And then they push you out.
Why would you go back to that?
Would they still find you?
年輕萊因哈特:So, that』s it. You』re leaving us.
光頭鮑德里奇:I have been called. I must answer.
It is a great honour.
年輕萊因哈特:To disappear into some secret organization,
give up the glory of being a Crusader?
Hehe, I don』t think so.
小兵一號:Hahaha, he wishes he got picked?
年輕萊因哈特:The Crusaders are immortal defenders of Germany.
People will be singing songs
about our legacies!
光頭鮑德里奇:Our legacies are our deeds.
And this war is bigger than all of us.
小兵二號:Clonel Balderich!
Drop Pod to the east! They 『re coming.
光頭鮑德里奇:Alright, people! They』re playing our song!
Stick with your dance partners,
let』s crush those rust-buckets!
年輕萊因哈特:Here』s your walking stick, old man.
光頭鮑德里奇:Ahaha. Live with honour.
年輕萊因哈特:Ha! Die with glory.
光頭鮑德里奇:We walk as one!
Lock it up!
Hahaha. I love the wind in my hair.
光頭鮑德里奇:Get back and protect your team!
年輕萊因哈特:Ah, they』re just slowing me down!
Besides, they』re fine!
小兵三號:Where is Reinhardt?
小兵四號:What is that?
年輕萊因哈特:That...is mine!
光頭鮑德里奇:Damn it, Reinhardt!
小兵五號:Heads up! More of those things!
小兵六號:We』re being overrun!
光頭鮑德里奇:Fall back to the rally point.
I』ll get Reinhardt.
年輕萊因哈特:I had this!
They』re cutting us off. Let』s move!
The door won』t hold.
Get back to the unit.
I will hold them off.
年輕萊因哈特:Ha! And let you have all the glory? Hahaha.
We will fight our way back. Together!
光頭鮑德里奇:No. I』m staying here.
年輕萊因哈特:But...I...without you?
You took an oath to be a Crusader.
Now. keep it.
I won』t leave you!
光頭鮑德里奇:The team needs you. Be their shield.
Reinhardt, Live with honour.
年輕萊因哈特:Die with glory...old friend.
Barrier is failing!
老年萊因哈特:I have been called.
I must answer.

⑵ 求守望先鋒各人物開大時說的話,要英文的


突擊英雄:士兵76:I've got you in my sights. (Tactical visor activated.)士兵76(Nano):Get out of my way! (I'm feeling unstoppable! )死神:Die... Die... Die...!!! (Clearing the area.)死神(Nano):Huhu... I feel alive. (I am unstoppable!)法老之鷹:Justice rains from above. (Rocket barrage incoming.)法老之鷹(Nano):System at max! (I am unstoppable!)源氏:竜神の剣を喰らえ!(The dragon becomes me!)源氏(Nano):力が漲ってくる! (Strength flows through me! / I am unstoppable! )麥克雷:It's high noon. (Step right up.)麥克雷(Nano):Buckle up, this gunslinger's loaded. / Ain't no stopping me! (I'm unstoppable!)獵空:bomb's away. (×)【感謝評論區
。獵空(Nano):No one's gonna stop me! (I'm unstoppable! )黑影:Apagando las luces! (EMP activated! )黑影(Nano):I am unstoppable!
防禦英雄:半藏:竜が我が敵を喰らう!(Let the dragon consume you)半藏【白狼/獨狼】:狼よ、我が敵を喰らえ!(The wolf hunts for its prey.)半藏(Nano):I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable! )堡壘:BEE BEE BEE BEE黑百合:Personne n'échappe à mon regard.(No one can hide from my sight.)【感謝評論區
(No one can hide from the hunter.)(備註:中間的"from my sight" 已停用,被"from the hunter"取代。僅作記錄)黑百合(Nano):I feel alive! / I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable! )小美:凍住,不許走。(Freeze, don't move.)小美(Nano):Everyone, stay out of my way! (Nothing can stop me!)托比昂:Molten core!!! (×)托比昂(Nano):I'm feeling the power! (I'm unstoppable! )狂鼠:Fire in the hole! (Ladies and gentlemen, start your engine.)狂鼠【狂鼠斯坦】:Get ready for a shock!狂鼠(Nano):There's no one'd stop me now! (I'm unstoppable! )
重裝英雄:D.Va:Nerf this.(Activating self-destruct sequence)【感謝評論區
D.Va(Nano):You're better get out of the way! (I am unstoppable! )路霸:×路霸(Nano):Come over here! (I am unstoppable!)毛妹:Огонь по готовности (Fire at will.)毛妹(Nano):I am strong! / My strength unleashed! (I am unstoppable! )溫斯頓:×溫斯頓(Nano):Feeling powerful! And I'm not even angry! (I am feeling unstoppable! )大錘:Hammer down! (×)大錘(Nano):Are you ready? Here I come! / I feel powerful! (I am unstoppable!)
/del龍騎士/del 奧莉莎:Cease your resistance.(Team up for Special Attack.)
奧莉莎(Nano):I am unstoppable!
支援英雄:天使:Helden sterben nicht.(Heroes never die.)天使【瓦爾基里/希格露恩】:Till Valhalla.天使【魅魔/魔女】:Heroes never die. For a price.天使【萬聖節女巫】:My servants never die!天使(Nano):I feel empowered! / I feel unstoppable! (I am unstoppable!)禪雅塔:Pass into the iris. (Experience tranquility.)禪雅塔(Nano):I feel unstoppable. (I feel greatly empowered.)盧西奧:Let's drop the beat.(Oh let's break it down. )盧西奧(Nano):Hoh! There's no stopping me now! (I'm unstoppable! )秩序之光: (Teleporter online. We move swiftly.)【感謝評論區

(註:第一視角下打開傳送門的語音:Teleporter online. I have open the path. 傳送門使用完畢:My teleportor is offline, the path is closed. 傳送門被摧毀:My teleporter has been destoryed.)秩序之光[Q2]:Shield Generator Online.秩序之光(Nano):There is nothing that will stand in my way! (I am unstoppable! )安娜:____ (You're powered up, get in there. / Nano boost administered.)(註:阿拉伯語似乎無法正常顯示,請移步reddit討論串:【what does Ana says when she activate her ultimate? : Overwatch】)(備注2:當被注射目標為自己時,提示語音為括弧內前半句。當另一個隊友被強化時,其他隊友聽到的語音為括弧內後半句)安娜(Nano):I feel like I could take on the world! (I cannot be stopped! )

⑶ 「法雞」,「麥克雷」,「76人美服開大」的英語台詞是什麼


1、Justice, rains from above.

2、It's high noon

3、I have got you in my signs.

⑷ 守望先鋒外國版的天使英語的台詞

復活 Heros never die !
隊友受傷 Well, I suppose I'll be patching you up... as usual.
死神在附近 What happened to you?
大錘在附近 Reinhardt, don』t you think it』s time you hung it up? You're not getting any younger.
Reinhardt, I don』t approve of you dragging that poor girl around on your adventures.
溫斯頓在附近 Winston, are you experiencing any issues with your genetic therapy?
小美在附近 Mei, you haven』t aged a day! What』s your secret?
麥克雷在附近 You know smoking's bad for your health.
安娜在附近 You know, Ana, there are proceres we could look into to repair your eye.
Ana, I don't approve of what you've done with my biotic technology.
托比昂在附近 I've always said you should get your head examined.
直布陀羅 Overwatch was shut down for a reason. Maybe it's best it stay that way.
I'm not used to state of the art facilities these days.
近戰擊殺 You might not want to tell your friends about that.
Say ahh!
擊殺 Medic! Wait, that's me.
You've been discharged.

⑸ 守望先鋒天使英文台詞, 大招一種是heros never die,還有另一種是什麼

英雄不朽中文版,還有helden sterben nicht德語版,你說的應該是helden sterben nicht把,我感覺也是這句有感覺

⑹ 守望先鋒天使英文台詞, 大招一種是heros never die,還有另一種是什麼

就是heros never die,用瓦爾基里皮膚開大則是till vahalla,till vahalla意為來到/前往/直到英靈殿,heros never die,for a price的國服翻譯是英雄不朽,但要付出代價。另外女巫皮膚的語音為hedlden sterben nicht 即德語版英雄不朽。




重新回來戰斗吧(let's get you back in the fight.)

還沒到你倒下的時候(This is not the time.)

還沒有結束(This is not the end.)

我們仍然需要你(We still need you.)

你對我還有用(I still have use for you.)(窈窕女巫)

勝利女神降臨(Onwards to victory)(勝利女神)


戰斗還沒有結束(Der Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei!)

戰斗還在繼續(The battle continues.)

守護天使降臨(Mercy comes to you.)

你的女巫來了(Deine Hexe ist da.)(窈窕女巫)

你的惡魔來了(Deine Teufel ist da.)(魅魔/魔女)

瓦爾基里來了(Deine Walküre ist da.)(瓦爾基里/希格露恩)

你的女神來了(Deine Göttin ist da.)(勝利女神)





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