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發布時間: 2023-05-23 01:38:23

1. 吸血鬼日記裡面經典台詞有哪些

拜託,我可是凱瑟琳•皮爾斯 我永遠能屹立不倒

2. 求《吸血鬼日記》中的經典台詞(加翻譯)至少50句

1、I will start fresh,be some one new.我要重新開始,做不一樣的自己。
2、It's the only way I'll make it through.這是我能挺過去的唯一辦法。
3、No comment.不予評論
4、You need to chill yourself,all right?你得冷靜點,行嗎?
5、Keep it up.堅持下去。
6、It is a long story.說來話長
7、I lost control today.今天我失控了
8、Everything I've kept buried inside came rushing to the surface.我已經深埋內心的一切,都沖破了束縛。
9、You are such a jerk.你真是個混蛋。
10、Memories are too important.記憶彌足珍貴。
11、I'm not giving up on that.我不會放棄。
12、Do not suit you.一點都不適合你。
13、Why are you here now? I could ask you the same question.你來這里做什麼?我可以問你同樣的問題。
14、She took my breath away.她把我的靈魂都吸走了。
15、Let's just cut to the chase.我們直截了當。
16、I was impressed.真令我印象深刻。
17、Ashes and Ashes灰飛煙滅
18、People are going to stop giving you breaks.人們總是針鋒相對。
19、They just don't care anymore.他們不再互相關心。
20、She's always the one that everyone picks.她總是人見人愛。
21、I want to change who I was.我想改變我自己。
22、You called,and I am here. 你讓我過來,我就來了。
23、Everything's going be fine. 一切都會好的。(頻率好高)
24、We need to talk. 我們需要談談。(頻率更高)
25、I fancy you. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are full of light. I enjoy you.我迷上你了。你堅強美麗、活力四射。我喜歡你。
26、 I want you to know, that I will always be here for you, you can come to me about anything.我要你知道,我會一直在你身邊,你有任何事都可以來找我.
27、You』re always one step from a maybe.你總是舉棋不定
28、 Don』t hide from me. 不要躲避我
29、I』ll help you, whatever it takes.無論如何我都會幫你
30、 Why so nosy? 八卦什麼
31、Sweet dream/sleep tight /nighty-night好夢
32、 Settle down 冷靜
33、 See you around. 後會有期
34、 No more lies. 坦誠相待
35、 Trust is the key to any relationship. 兩個人交往信任是最重要的
36、Not a peep. 絲毫沒有
37、None of your business. 不關你的事
38、Tit for tat. 惡有惡報
39、 True love is not real unless it』s returned. 真愛是需要有回應的.
40、 Life is too cruel. If we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live? 生活太殘酷了,如果我們不相信愛.還能為什麼而活呢?
41、 Always have a back-up. 凡事都要有個備用的.
42、 We found the way when there was no way. 柳暗花明又一村
43、 All good things must come to an end. 美好的事物總是稍縱即逝.
44、All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.I need it.你唯一能做的就是等待好事降臨,當他們降臨,你邀請它們進來,因為你需要它們。我需要它們。
45、Hello John,goodbye John.你好約翰,再見約翰。
46、I love you, and it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you, why you don't know this, I don't deserve you…but my brother does. God, I wish you didn't have to forget this. But you do.我愛你,因為我愛你所以我不能對你自私,為什麼你不知道這些,我配不上你…但是我的弟弟能.上帝,我希望你不要忘記。但是你必須忘記。
47、You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it. - 你不能無所事事的坐等人生帶給你一切,你必須得自己努力爭取。
48.Klaus----I want to give you a present that you can accept.Tyler is noe free to return to mystic falls.我想送給你一個你能夠接受的禮物,泰勒現在可以自由地回到神秘瀑布鎮了。

K----He is your first love,I intend to be your last.However long it takes.他是你的初戀,而我想做你最後一個,無論要我等多久。
49.Your compassion was a gift.你的同情心是上天的恩賜。
50.It is not just that she makes him a better person.She does,but···he changes her too. Damon challenges her.Surprises her.He makes her question her life.Beliefs.Stefan is different.His love is pure.And he will aiways be good for her.Damon is either the best thing for her,or the worst.不單單是她把他變成了一個好人。她確實做到了,但他也改變了她。Damon質疑她。給她驚喜。他讓她質疑她的人生。甚至是信仰。Stefan卻不一樣。他是純粹的愛。他會永遠對她好。Damon對她來說不是最好的就是最壞的。

3. 吸血鬼日記經典台詞


1、For over a century,I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows. Alone in the world.I shouldn't have come here. I know the risk, but I have no choice,I have to know her.

一個世紀以來,我都秘密的活著,藏匿在黑暗中,獨自一人。我本不該回來 我知道這有危險,但我沒有選擇,我必須認識她。

2、I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in.Well,

this is reality.Right here.


3、You have two options,Stefan.You either deal with this now, or you're run.And either way, it's gonna catch up to you.

你有兩個選擇,斯特凡。你要麼現在面對它,要麼就逃跑 。但不管選哪一種,它都會找上你。

4、All you can do is be ready for the good. So when it comes, you invite it in, because you need it.


5、If you're gonna be bad, be bad with purpose. Otherwise you're just not worth forgiving.


6、We had ups and downs,we fought. We changed,both of us. We grew,and we grew apart. But that is real. I mean,that's life.

我們經歷過起伏跌宕,我們努力過。我們都變了 。我們成長,我們分開。但這一切都是真實的。這就是生活。

7、You know I been thinking,I think we should start over, Give this brother thing another chance ,We used to do it oh,so well once upon a time.


8、You think I want to be this person?I hurt you,Elena.I bit you.I hate myself for what I did to you.


4. 吸血鬼日記 經典台詞 謝謝。

I met a girl.We talked,and it was epic.

But then the sun came up and reality set in.Well,this is reality.Right here.


Everything i've kept burried inside came rushing to the surface. i'm simply not able to resist her.
---Stefan's diary

Stefan:So Stefan
you know I been thinking
I think we should start over
Give this brother thing another chance
We used to do it oh,so well once upon a time
Damon: I don't Damon
I can't trust you to be a nice guy
you...you kill everybody,and you are so mean
you are so mean,and...
you are really hard to imitate
And then I have to go to that lesser place

I am fine.we are both fine.That's what matters.

I know the risk,but I have to know her.

1 She took my breath away. 她把我迷住了。

2 He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃。

3 I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我預言今年將會是很了不起的一年。

4 I will start fresh. 我要重新開始,做全新的自我。

5 For over a century, I have lived in secret. 一個世紀以來,我都秘密地活著

6 We were at the very first one. 我們曾獨領**。

7She wasn't just any girl. 她不是一般的女孩。

8 I was only a piece of ass to him. 我對他來說什麼都不是。

9--I would be honored to accompany you.

--The pleasure is all mine.



10--Are you sure?

--I'm positive.



11 I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life. 我餘生都不會再碰車了。

12 Why didn't he go for me? 他為什麼不喜歡我?

13 I am not gonna hold anything back. 我不會再隱藏什麼事情了。

14 Doesn't ring a bell. 想不起來了。

15 I am so over you now. 我現在厭倦你了。

16 He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. 他跟我們不是一個世界裡的人。

17 I mean it. 我是認真的

18 I am cool with it. 對此我很滿意。

簡單の生活 2011-11-26 20:40

9 Everyone thinks you are off on a bender. 每個人都以為你喝酒過量死了。

20 buy the story 買賬

21 He's the golden boy. 他是個優秀的男孩。

22 You just need to sleep it off, ok? 你只需要睡一覺,忘掉它?

23 Headed your way. 繼續往前走。

24 Stay dry. 別淋著雨。

25 Don't you move. 不要動。

26 Fly free, walk on sunshine and all that stuff. 隨便逛逛,在陽光下走走,諸如此類的。

27 Sleep tight. 好好睡一覺。

28 I wasn't myself yesterday. 我昨天狀態不對。

29 I'll keep an eye out for her. 我會幫你留意她的。

30 Stay away from me. 離我遠一點。

31 Trust is earned. 信任是要靠行動爭取的。

32 It's ok, take your time. 沒事,慢慢來。

33 He has some serious apologize to do. 他欠我一個鄭重的道歉呢。

34 I rock. 我太厲害了。

35 Why the about-face. 你怎麼變卦了。

36 Spit it out. 有話直說。

37 I am all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。

38 soul searching 深刻的自我反省

39 start over 重新來過

for over a century,I have lived in secret.一個世紀以來,我都秘密地活著。
2、I will start fresh.我要重新開始,做全新的自我。
女主Elena開學的第一天寫日記的時候說的這一句。意思就是重新開始新的生活,走出喪失雙親的痛苦。很生動形象,比I will start my new life好多了。

3、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我預言今年將會是很了不起的一年
kick ass有3個意思:1.給某人點顏色看看,2.拍馬屁 3.了不起,很牛X(這里應該是第3個意思吧)
「我知道他是E的弟弟,I'll still kick his ass.」就是第一個意思了

4、I'm good.
比如你去某人家,主人請你吃東西你卻不想吃,就可以說 I'm good,thanks.

5、she took my breath away.她把我迷住了。

6、major lack of male real estate 優質男市場匱乏
major lack of 大量缺少,male和real都是形容詞,eatate是階層的意思

7 、She』s a dead ringer for Katherine.(她和凱瑟琳一摸一樣)
dead ringer 固定片語 ph. 酷似的人;看上去一模一樣的東西

8、He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃

9、I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我餘生都不會再碰車了。
freak out:使極度興奮,焦慮不安,崩潰

10、I am cool with it.對此我很滿意
cool with sth. 覺得某事沒問題

11、 why didn't he go for me?他為什麼不喜歡我?
go for :去找某人,爭取,喜歡,抨擊,適合

12, E:Sorry,I'm Elena ,
S: I'm Stefan ,
E: I know,we have history together.

13 Everyone thinks you are off on a bender.每個人都以為你嗑葯過量死了。
off這個詞,可能用法跟我們的「去,走」一個意思(bender 飲酒作樂)
14He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line.他跟我們不是一個世界裡的人
out of our eye line這種說法很形象的說
15 damon-free weekend 沒有damon的周末
16 years and years 很多年
下次不要再用many years了
17 I mean it 我是認真的
18 ----Are you sure?
——I'm positive.


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