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發布時間: 2023-04-29 06:17:45

① 七宗罪裡面引用但丁的名言,什麼人生路漫漫,一出地獄即見光明,完整的句子,帶英語最好,誰能告訴我啊

long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light;
或者: 道路漫長而曲折,地獄一出即光明

② 七宗罪名言

沉迷於葯物要容易得多,就像去偷比去賺要容易得多一樣,就像打孩子要比養育孩子容易得多 。

I mean,it's easier to lose yourself in drugs,than it is to cope with life.It's easier to steal what you want than to earn it.It's easier to beat a child than to raise it.


The first thing they teach women in rape prevention,is never cry for help.Always yell, "fire!".


He'd die of shock right now,if you shone a flashlight in his eyes.He's experience about as much pain and suffering,as anyone I've encountered, give or take and he still has hell to look forward to.


After him, I selected a lawyer, I know you guys will secretly thank me this choice. This man thought only of money, he resorted to earn money every effort to lie, and then put those murderers and rapists remain in the street!


Putting everything into neat piles and filing it away,on the

③ 七宗罪里但丁的名言什麼路漫漫一出地獄即見光明英語和漢字都要

long is the way and hard,that out of hell leads up to light長路漫漫而艱苦,一出地獄即見光明這句話不是但丁的是彌爾頓在《失樂園》里寫到版的但丁只在《神曲權》里有提到身前犯有七宗罪之一的靈魂分別在煉獄山上不同層級上受罰刑期滿後靈魂凈潔則有希望升入天堂回到上帝的懷抱

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