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㈠ 美劇《破產姐妹》有哪些經典台詞

破產姐妹》(2 Broke Girls)是一部情景喜劇,設定地點是在紐約市布魯克林區的威廉斯堡,講述兩個身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(凱特·戴琳斯飾)生在窮人家庭,而Caroline(貝絲·比厄飾)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的飯店打工賺錢。兩人商量著籌集25萬美元資金來共同開創新事業。



Whatever you put out there comes back to you.

善有善報惡有惡報 。


I am so mad I cannot see straight.



Might as well face it.You and I are on our own.


㈡ 美劇,破產姐妹 第一二季 語錄


  1. 姐戴帽子擋酷寒,二貨帶帽學酷玩
    4.she's coming
    5.the new boss fired that russian waitress,paulina.turns out chesty kournikoca was vladimir puttin'it out
    6.i've been waiting my whole life,okay?i've waited on tables,i've waited in bars,i've waited on home pregnancy tests
    7.don't smile
    9.——騙光整座城的人是你老爸 ——他只跟我們說今年生意挺好
    11.——do you know paris hilton?——no,she's a hundred
    12.——你怎麼會淪落到來布魯克林打工?——我去招工網站,輸入 上東區的人這輩子絕對不會去的地方,就出現這家店了
    13.i'm dead inside
    15.i didn't think it would hurt so much,it's pink
    18.——max,remind me,what's my twitter password——twitter password
    20.no,the other one,that's not the good one
    21.——im robbie ——im uncomfortable
    25.我覺得你有一匹馬 我覺得咱倆有一匹馬


    of her way with her mind.

  2. 譯文:別擔心 Max會照顧好自己的。有一次我看見她用意念推走一輛擋道的卡車。

  3. M: Autopilot. That's how I live my life. 譯文:自動駕駛啊 我就是這么過的日子

  4. 第十七集:And the broken hip C: As it turns out, we're gonna need 500 more. M: For what? Did your es for the serial killer's union and the pedophile guild come up at the same time this year?

  5. 譯文:結果發現 我們還要多收500美元。為什麼?是不是你所在連環殺手聯盟和戀童癖協會的今年趕到一起交會費了

  6. guild:協會

  7. Pierre broke more than his hip in your cupcake shop. He broke his spirit. 譯文:Pierre在你們的蛋糕店摔壞的不只是他的屁股。還摔碎了他的精氣神。

  8. hip:臀部

  9. M: This is where he cuts us in half and sews my top to your bottom. 譯文:接下去他就要把我們倆對半切把我的上半截縫到你的下半截。

  10. sew:縫合

  11. 第十八集:And not-so-sweet Charity M: What, you miss three out of six months and you're out?

  12. 譯文:啥?六個月里只欠了三個月房租 就趕我們出去?

  13. M: You said you were looking for a sign. What's more of a sign than sign language?

  14. 譯文:你說你在等老天提示,有什麼比手語更有提示性呢?

  15. M: That's what family is. People who hate you, but can't kill you 'cause they're the first ones questioned.

  16. 譯文:親戚就是這樣。他們恨你,卻狠不下心殺你,因為他們是你被殺後首先被調查的對象

  17. I'm going to my dermatologist for a little procere. I want to take two years off my face just so people will think, "is she 38 or 39?

  18. 譯文:我要去皮膚科醫生那動個小手術。我想減齡2年,這樣路人就會想 "她是 38還是39歲?

  19. dermatologist:皮膚科醫生

  20. It took two layers to take off two years, but it was worth it. Just so you know, the third layer is bone.

  21. 譯文:脫去兩層皮,可以讓我看起來年輕兩歲,還是很值得的。你知道的,第三層就是骨頭了。

  22. 第十九集: And the Temporary Distraction M: That's Tina, a lesbian who turns straight girls. I call her "Tina the turner." Practically every heterosexual woman in Williamsburg has hooked up with her. C: Max, everyone? Not me. Who do you think turned her?

  23. 譯文:那是Tina 蕾絲邊,會把直妹變彎的。我管她叫"Tina轉化大師"。要知道基本上威廉斯堡的所有直妹都被她勾搭上了。Max 所有人?不包括我,是我把她變彎的。

  24. hook up with:和„„一起混

  25. C: The only decision I have to make today is: Do I change my underwear or just turn these inside out?

  26. 譯文:今天我唯一需要考慮的問題是:是換內褲呢,還是翻過來接著穿?

  27. M: Here it is, my temping blazer. Ahh, you can still smell the "no way out."

  28. 譯文:瞧 這是我的臨時工制服。嗯,還能聞到"毫無出路"的味道。

  29. I was looking for the new temps, but I think I wandered into a beauty pageant. Uh, the votes are in. It's a tie.

  30. 譯文:我在找新來的臨時工,不過我好像走到選美大賽來了。啊,票選結果出來了。平局。

  31. pageant:盛會

  32. M: That temp place is soul-sucking, And I didn't even know I had a soul to suck.

  33. 譯文:這臨時工簡直是在折磨姐的靈魂,而且咱居然還有靈魂能被折磨。

  34. 第二十集:And the Big Hole H: Max, where is Caroline? And don't tell me she's in the ladies' room, because I already peeked under all those stalls. She wasn't there.

  35. 譯文:Max ,Caroline去哪兒了?別告訴我她在女廁所,我把每個小隔間的縫都看了個遍。哪個都不是她。

  36. peek:偷看

  37. C: I can't believe I'm walking up to Oleg's apartment. I always thought I'd be dragged here unconscious with electrical tape over my mouth.

  38. 譯文:難以置信我竟然正走進Oleg的家。我一直覺得會被膠帶黏住嘴,打暈拖到這。

  39. M: Han's really going through with this? I thought it was all talk, like when a Chihuahua barks at a big dog.

  40. 譯文:Han真要來這一套?我以為他就是說說而已呢,就像只吉娃娃朝大狗叫一樣。

  41. M: And note, I did not make a short joke, because this is important, and also because I'm still working on something with Peter Dinklage's name.

  42. 譯文:記住了,我這次可沒笑你矮。因為這很重要。還因為我還在琢磨怎麼用Peter Dinklage的名字來吐槽(冰與火之歌里的小惡魔,身材矮小)。

  43. 第二十一集:And the Worst Selfie Ever H: Is she coming back? E: Han, Jesus is coming back before she is.

  44. 譯文:她會回來嗎?Han,耶穌回來她也不會回來了。

  45. C: Max, I could not continue to live here if you ever saw it. M: Well, then definitely let me see it.

  46. 譯文:Max 你看之後 我就沒臉繼續住這兒了。既然這樣,那我必須得看了。

  47. M: Well, with that smile and my bad heart, I'll die trying.

  48. 譯文:你這嫣然一笑讓我想入非非 我定會盡力幫你

  49. 第二十二集: And The Extra Work M: I know we want this to be special. But chestnut is a horse, any day he's not being made into an Ikea meatball is a birthday.

  50. 譯文:我知道我們想搞得特別一點。但小栗子是匹馬,只要他沒被做成肉丸在宜家出售,都應該慶生。

  51. M: I'm the boss, but I'll get the guy who owns the place.

  52. 譯文:我就是老大,不過還有個店主

  53. M: They're shooting a TV show here, and the back of my head or the side of my boob is gonna be in it!

  54. 譯文:他們要在這里拍電視劇,我的後腦勺或者半邊胸到時候可就上鏡啦!

  55. O: Excuse me, how did you get through? S: Oh, please. I once got through the Berlin wall. You think two kids with walkie-talkies can stop me?

  56. 譯文:抱歉,你怎麼進來的?哦,拜託,我甚至連柏林牆都穿過,你以為兩個拿著對講機的孩子能攔住我?

  57. O: Oh, hi. You brought company. C: Yes, she's my ride. We share a subway card. Well, she uses the card. I jump the turnstile and she pretends to chase me, yelling "don't worry, I'll get her!"

  58. 譯文:哦,嗨。你帶同伴來了。是的,她送我來的,我們倆共用一張地鐵卡。哦,卡歸她用。我直接從閘門跳過去,她假裝在追我大喊 "放心 我能抓住她!"

  59. 第二十三集: And the Tip Slip M: A million dollars? How much can I get for a tell-all book about Caroline? Chapter one: "sleep farts." C: Max, please, can we go one day without you mentioning that?

  60. 譯文:M:一百萬?我要是寫個Caroline的揭密書能賺多少?第一章::「睡覺放屁」 C:Max 求你了,咱不提這個了行嗎?

  61. tell-all:全盤揭秘;fart:放屁

  62. C: You won't believe what just happened. M: You joined a demonic cult?

  63. 譯文:C:你肯定想不到出什麼事了。M:難道你加入魔教了?

  64. Oh, anyone can get into any room if they really want to.

  65. 譯文:噢!如果一個人真想進去 那怎麼著都進得去

  66. 第二十四集:And the Window of Opportunity This isn't good. Asians don't do well with Bs. At wharton, I got a "B," and the japanese kid who sat next to me killed himself.

  67. 譯文:這可不妙,亞洲人是不接受B的。我讀書的時候得了個B而我旁邊的日本男生直接自殺了。

  68. do well with 處理好

  69. I think we just saw what it would look like If someone cheated on the incredible hulk.

  70. 譯文:我覺得我們剛剛看見的是有人欺騙了神奇綠巨人的下場。

  71. cheat on:欺騙;incredible:不可思議的,驚人的

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