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發布時間: 2021-03-04 18:06:28

① yugaminaena這個是比利·海靈頓的自創詞


② 比利海靈頓的哲學到底說的是什麼 就是簡單的同性學


③ 比利王在演講時說了什麼呀,各位大佬翻譯一下、我英語垃圾

ass♂we♂can 哲學只可意會不可言傳。

④ 比利海靈頓網上流傳最火的那個視頻中摔跤的時候說的話誰能用英文發一遍


⑤ 求比利海靈頓 比利王的哲學視頻 越多越好


⑥ 比利王和哲學是什麼梗

這個梗來自於男片演員比利·海靈頓(英文:Billy Herrington,1969年7月14日—2018年3月3日),男,出生於美國紐約長島,前美國㚻片演員。因為他在片子中一般是主角而且片子數量最多,因而登頂被稱之為比利王。













他在不久後其就為All Worlds Video拍攝電影,他成為了20世紀九十年代最有名的㚻片演員之一,他還作為嘉賓登上過美國的脫口秀節目舞台。




⑦ 【求】 比利·海靈頓(Billy Herrington) 的 全集...

森之妖精必須給力 前天我在秋葉原給比利留言了...

⑧ 求比利所有哲♂學語句!

My fellow brothers, I, Billy Herrington, stands here today humbled by the task before us, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our niconico ancestors. We are the midst of crisis. Niconico douga is at war against storm of disturbance and deletion. Niconico's economy is badly weakened, (which is) a consequence of carelessness and irresponsibility on the part of management, but also on the collective failure to make hard choices, to make our(us?) prepare for a new mad age. Today, I say to you, the challenge is real, they are serious, and they are many. They will not be easily met (or) in a short span of time. But know that at Niconico, they will be met. In reaffirming the greatness of our site, we understand that greatness is never, and our journey has never been shortcut. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted or seek only the fleshly pleasures. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the wasted genii, and the creators of MAD thing. For us, they toiled in sweatshops, and enred the lash of the spanking, time and time again these men struggled and sacrificed so that we may live better. We remain the most powerful site on the internet and minds are no less inventive. And services no less needed than they were last week or yesterday, or the day before the day after tomorrow. Starting today, we must pull♂up♂our♂pants,st ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking Niconico douga. Now, there are some who question the scale of our ambitions, who suggest that our server system cannot (load too many movies). Their memories are short, for they have forgotten what Niconico has already done. What free man can achieve when imagination is joined to the common purpose. And so, for all the people who are watching this video, from the grandest cities to the small villages where IKZO was born, know that Niconico is a friend of every man who seeks the future of love and peace. Now, we will begin to responsibly leave the authorized common materials to Niconico people, and forge a hard-earned peace in this MAD world. What is required of us now, is a new era of responsibility. This is the price and promise of Niconico common』s citizenship. Niconico douga, in the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words. Ass♂we♂can. Let it be said by our children』s children, that when we were tested by DOS attacks, when we were refused by Youtube, we did not turn back and nor did we falter. And we carried forth that great gift of freedom delivered it safely to future generations. Thank you, god bless, god bless Niconico douga.


平時的一些話有:帕秋莉♂GO,乖♂乖♂站♂好 奧♂義♂很♂爽

ASS♂WE♂CAN 易♂建♂聯 日♂你♂爺 無♂雙♂大♂黃♂瓜

哈♂人打勝你哈? 又搞你妹吶? 我要搞死你♂啊

完達山♂來了個丘比特♂啊 買♂簫的買♂簫的

⑨ 比利海靈頓台詞:哈乖乖站好啊哈來人打勝你哈哈又搞你妹吶! 這些用英語怎麼說

乖乖站好: you like that ah?
哈?來人打勝你哈:ah,like embarrassing me ah?
又搞你妹吶: you got me mad now!

⑩ 比利海靈頓

van樣,代表台詞:fu@k you!

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