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發布時間: 2024-12-23 11:54:28

❶ 英語寓言故事

宋國有一個農民,每天在田地里勞動。 有一天,這個農夫正在地里幹活,突然一隻野兔從草叢中竄出來。野兔因見到有人而受了驚嚇。它拚命地奔跑,不料一下子撞到農夫地頭的一截樹根上,折斷脖子死了。農夫便放下手中的農活,走過去撿起死兔子,他非常慶幸自己的好運氣。 晚上回到家,農夫把死兔交給妻子。 第二天,農夫照舊到地里幹活,可是他再不像以往那麼專心了。 守株待兔
A farmer from the state of song every day labor in the fields. One day, the farmer working in the fields, suddenly a rabbit leap out from the bushes. The hare because see someone and frightened. It run like a bump into the farmer, behold the root of a section paddock, broke his neck died. The farmer then put down his farm work, went over and picked up dead rabbits, he was very thankful for their good luck. Coming back home in the evening, the farmer put the dead rabbit to his wife. The next day, the farmer as usual in the fields, but he didn't like former so devotion. Wait for windfalls
他干一會兒就朝草叢里瞄一瞄、聽一聽,希望再有一隻兔子竄出來撞在樹樁上。 後來,農夫每天就這樣守在樹樁邊,希望再撿到兔子,然而他始終沒有再得到。但農田裡的苗因他而枯萎了。農夫因此成了宋國人議論的笑
He worked for a while the bushes take aim, listen and hope to have a rabbit out of nowhere crashed on the stump. Later, the farmer every so keep the stump, hope again pick up to edge, but he never rabbit get again. But farm seedlings because he and wilted. The farmer therefore become about laughing. The song americans

======================by 藍

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